Contact us - Let’s work together

Excited to be friends and business partners!

Be friendly, professional and don't bring stress please!

For commercial clients

Rent an installation

Do you want to rent an interactive installation for your event or venue?

Send us an email to with the title "Installation rental" and tell me about your event or venue, the concept and which installation you would like to book.

Custom installations

Are you looking for a custom installation that you envision?

Send us an email to with the title "Custom installation" and tell me about your vision.

For TouchDesigner developers

Join the Mycelium Artists Network

Send a .zip file to with the title "New artist". The zip should contain the following:

  • Profile picture: 1280x720, JPG format
  • Short biography and vision: Maximum 200 words
  • Showcase images: 4-6 images, 1280x720, JPG format
  • Contact information: Email, Instagram, etc.
  • (Optional) Showcase video: Maximum 1 minute, 1280x720, MP4 format, H.264 codec

Then we will get in contact with you for a meeting if we decide there is a match between your biography, your work and us!

Enroll in a bootcamp

From the bootcamp page choose one of the bootcamps and let's meet and talk about it. All bootcamps are very pricey but they come with amazing surprises in terms of knowledge, ideas and execution.

Send us an email to with the title "Bootcamp" and tell me which bootcamp and also a bit about yourself and your background.

Teach in a bootcamp

Do you want to create a 5 day bootcamp about something related with art and technology?

Send us an email to with the title "Bootcamp Teacher" and tell me which bootcamp and also a bit about yourself, your background and the topic you would like to teach about.

Create an installation

Are you a TouchDesigner Developer and want to create a passive income with you interactive installations?

Send us an email to with the title "Installation creation" and tell me about bit about yourself, your background and the installations you would like to be rented through us.